Toxic Torts Attorneys
In Hialeah Gardens, FL

Silva & silva TOXIC TORTS

The impact or effects of exposure to dangerous substances or gases may begin abruptly due to a chemical accident or gradually over the course of several years. These compounds may cause air, groundwater, and soil contamination. This exposure may lead to diseases or injury if you were exposed to hazardous chemicals on the job or due to pollution.

 At Silva & Silva, our toxic torts attorneys in Hialeah Gardens, FL represent clients who have become sick after being exposed to hazardous chemicals. We will investigate the matter of your illness and make a claim for settlement on your behalf.

What Makes Up Tort Claims?

Cancer, blood illnesses, genetic abnormalities, mesothelioma, and death are among the outcomes of hazardous chemical exposure. There are further impacts of considerable toxic exposure that may not be entirely obvious, such as serious problems with fetal development, acute lung ailments, and other medical conditions that are directly related with persistent toxic exposure.

You are eligible for payment even when you are diagnosed with severe disease after months of exposure to harmful substances. Every effort will be made to bring those responsible to justice. We work determinedly and ensure that you have a proper idea of what these cases involve and we provide you excellent legal counsel.

Reliable Hialeah Gardens, FL Toxic Torts Attorneys

Dangerous torts are typically handled as litigations, pitting individuals against large corporations with enormous finances. We are now aiding a group of disadvantaged employees. Our business leverages its knowledge of this complex area of the law to ensure that our clients receive just recompense. Our attorneys represent clients in the various significant instances involving torts:

  • Environmental chemical exposure
  • Occupational exposure to toxic substances
  • Home contamination with asbestos, fungus and other pollutants

Discovering that you have been exposed to harmful medicines might be frightening and unsettling. As seasoned toxic tort lawyers in Hialeah Gardens, FL, we are familiar with the concepts and regulations regulating occupational exposures to hazardous chemicals. We have worked on a number of tort matters and vigorously defended our clients’ rights.

We will seek full and fair compensation for your current and future medical expenses, economic anguish, and potential to earn enough as you did before. For more information about how our toxic torts attorneys in Hialeah Gardens, FL, can help, call Silva & Silva at 305-445-0011, or drop us a line through this Online Form.


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If actions speak louder than words, then our verdicts & settlements call out our dedication to achieving the best possible results for our clients.

For the Victims of the Champlain Towers

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